”Plastica Seconda Vita” (plastens andra liv) eller ”Remade in Italy” eller ”Återvunnet PEFC” (Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certification
right contact person · Media centre. Vida – A global supplier of processed products from sustainable Swedish forests. Välkommen till Vida AB. sv · en. Search.
Production Vi är certifierade enligt FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) och PEFC, en svensk skogsbrukscertifiering. ✓Kemikaliefria produkter ✓Certifierad skog från Sverige. Vi har ingen information att visa om den här sidan. Select the search type. Site; Web. Search. Wallnäs AB. Toggle navigation. Startsida Sågverk i (www.pefc.se); Chairman of the board: Per-Axel Fagerholm.
PEFC chain of custody certification provides companies from around the world with independent verified assurance that the certified forest-based material contained in a product originates from sustainably managed forests. PEFC is an international non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) through independent third-party certification. As an umbrella organization, we work by endorsing national forest certification systems developed through multi-stakeholder processes and tailored to local priorities and COVID-19: PEFC Guidance. To support certified entities and certification bodies during the effects of COVID-19 worldwide, we have produced guidance regarding auditing (chain of custody and sustainable forest management), and the transition to the 2020 standards. Certification for small companies.
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PEFC maintains comprehensive databases to ensure easy access to relevant information about certificate holders, logo & label users, certified products, accredited certification bodies, and PEFC-endorsed national certification schemes.
Contact them and ask them if they have a certificate, or search for them on our database. The PEFC marking on a product is a clear message to the customer that it is made from raw material from sustainably used forests.
Up to IIC 74 when paired with TORLYS Acoustik foam underlayment. AC4 rated wear layer. Four-sided bevel edge. Wide planks with realistic finishes. Complete range of colours and patterns to suit any style. Install Lexington-W up to 50’x 50’ with no transitions or “speed bumps”. 35-Year Residential Warranty.
Results per page. 15, 25, 50, 75, 100. Hits : 7. Bookcover of Entwicklung und Umsetzung nationaler PEFC-Standards.
Drygt 47 000 av landets skogsägare och över 3 300 skogsentreprenörer är idag PEFC-certifierade. Det innebär att de har förbundit sig att sköta sin skog och verksamhet enligt PEFC:s krav. Drygt 47 000 av landets skogsägare och över 3 300 skogsentreprenörer är idag PEFC-certifierade. Det innebär att de har förbundit sig att sköta sin skog och verksamhet enligt PEFC:s krav. PEFC is inviting stakeholders globally to provide feedback on the revised PEFC Chain of Custody and PEFC Trademarks standards.
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Go to the PEFC ‘Find Certified’ Search by logo license number, certificate number or company name in the search field. Find the desired company in the Search results list and click on More info.
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Search for suppliers If your current suppliers are unable to achieve PEFC certification, or you are looking for new suppliers, you can search for PEFC-certified companies on our online database.
och stark ram med slagtålig pulverlackering och extra rostskydd. LED-lyse fram och bak, tänds via displayen. Lådan är av tyskt björkträ, med PEFC märkning Important: we need your support!