Richard Lew Finke, of Rushville, OH, started the chemtrails hoax by posting an email: "Line In The Sky Identified". Over the years I have tried numerous
Av Louise Mccoy. Chemtrails är "chemtrails" eller kondens som lämnas av flygplan, men en del tror att dessa contrails är kemiska spår som
People sometimes think as Chemtrial hoax. To counter conspiracy theorists, in the early aughts the US Air Force featured a disclaimer on its website, stating that “the ‘chemtrail’ hoax has been investigated and refuted by many Debunking chemtrail comedy gold: obvious hoax gets taken to the loo & gives it the treatment it deserves by a p 31 thoughts on “ The Chemtrail Hoax ” concerned UK on January 29 at 6:20 PM said: Yes its chemtrails, i see from NASA worldview that you get your full share of them. Chemtrails have been the subject of intense media scrutiny for quite some time now. Those who’ve dared to go public with their knowledge of atmospheric engineering efforts — and even those who are simply bold enough to ask questions on a public platform — have been skewered by the propagandist mainstream media. Lt Col. Michael K. Gibson, USAF officially declared chemtrails to be a hoax on September 11, 2000 saying: “The chemtrail hoax has been investigated and refuted by established and accredited universities, scientific organizations, and major media publications”.
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Köp Conspiracies Declassified av Brian Dunning på I've been warning you about this for a long time, now it's here. Some of you can't see what's unfolding infront of your eyes because you are to busy worrying Vad Referenslista till artiklar om Geoengineering, HAARP och. Chemtrails? Denna lista innehåller artiklar och Youttube-filmer från Internet, som jag Det finns något som heter Riksdagens Utredningstjänst. Den ska ta reda på fakta för att riksdagen ska kunna fatta bättre beslut. 2012 bad en miljöpartist RUT att Mye tyder på at chemtrail- spraying foregår døgnet rundt, for i 7-tiden var himmelen «kjemisk».
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NASA Lithium Chemtrails Conspiracy Conspiracy web sites discovered an old recorded phone call between a NASA scientist and a conspiracy theorist, and concluded the agency was dosing Americans with
Image: YouTube ↑ Fake, Hoax, Chemtrail Videos ↑ Scientific analysis of chemtrails on doppler radar rules out contrails by GoodpixelProductions (Jun 26, 2013) YouTube. ↑ See the Wikipedia article on Doppler radar. ↑ Chemtrails connected to UN 2013 Report? 'Earth is in the midst of a Mass Extinction of Life' by EX0MATRlXTV (Mar 7, 2013) YouTube.
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Over the years I have tried numerous Probably all of us have seen contrails, although not everyone is familiar with the name.
chemtrails. Collected
The trails that aircraft leave in the sky are called “contrails”, which is short for “ condensation trails”. They are formed by the condensation of the water vapor in the
10 Oct 2019 They believe humans are affecting the environment—so why are they trolling the 16-year-old climate activist? 11 Jan 2021 The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), launched by Harvard University scientists, hopes to examine the effects of
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They have photos, anecdotes and samples collected from the air and water. Though scientists have long battled against these unfounded claims, they haven't made much headway.
Unique Chemtrails stickers featuring millions of original designs created and sold by independent artists. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, notebooks and
Richard Lew Finke, of Rushville, OH, started the chemtrails hoax by posting an email: "Line In The Sky Identified". Over the years I have tried numerous
Probably all of us have seen contrails, although not everyone is familiar with the name. Contrails are the white cloudy lines left on the sky by airplanes.
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But those who believe in the “chemtrails” theory say that the difference is that contrails evaporate almost instantly, while chemtrails linger and expand for hours. The darker strains of the chemtrails theory say those manmade streaks in the sky contain chemicals that are either designed to poison the public or control their minds.
Dubbing the contrails “chemtrails,” conspiracy theorists have claimed that these trails of condensed water are part of a secret program to control the weather, change the climate or control our The Chemtrails Conspiracy Theory Because of the apparent similarities between the proposed implementation methods for albedo modification (such as injecting reflective particles into the stratosphere), and the alleged methods for producing chemtrails, some people have linked the notion of chemtrails to the study of albedo modification. Dozens of scientists say condensation trails like the ones pictured here are NOT the result of a secret government chemical-spraying program. The next time you ponder those white, cloud-like streaks painted across the sky, remember this newly published paper before disdainfully whispering to yourself, “ chemtrails But those who believe in the “chemtrails” theory say that the difference is that contrails evaporate almost instantly, while chemtrails linger and expand for hours. The darker strains of the chemtrails theory say those manmade streaks in the sky contain chemicals that are either designed to poison the public or control their minds. One highly marginalized but vocal sector of the population believes chemtrails are being sprayed on us like Raid on cockroaches by our invisible overlords to facilitate a depopulation agenda.