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Ang entry namin sa content wars para kay EMMAN! Team A: @EmmanNimedezTV | @Daddy Louie @Boss Keng @Junnie Boy @Viy Cortez @Beigh Sunga @Lee Sepagan @JOSH PIN
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I’m Skyze and this is my story.
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I’m Skyze and this is my story. I was born in June 1989 in a small city called Sanski Most which is located in the beautiful country Bosnia & Hercegovina. At the age of 3 I was forced to flee the country because of the war.
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Team A: @EmmanNimedezTV | @Daddy Louie @Boss Keng @Junnie Boy @Viy Cortez @Beigh Sunga @Lee Sepagan @JOSH PIN Type: Medium-range air-to-air missile: Place of origin: United Kingdom: Service history; In service: Engine: Rocketdyne solid propellant rocket motor: Wingspan: 1.02 m (3 ft 6 in) This for your safety! ps.
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