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AF - Unless the constant retuning drives you nuts this is worth turning on as it means you don't need to manually retune. TP - Not sure why this would be a setting TA - When listening to tape, CD or MP3 and the last tuned FM station turns the TA flag on let the traffic news interrupt.


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Klicka på spara. KONTAKTA OSS. Privata Affärer 105 44 Stockholm Tel. kundtjänst: 08-454 95 07 Tel. växel: 08-736 53 00 Svårt att planera för både AF och de som ska ta över Arbetsförmedlingen Inte bara de anställda och tiotusentals arbetslösa undrar vad som kommer att hända med Arbetsförmedlingen. Av myndighetens budgetunderlag som Arbetsvärlden har tagit del av framgår att ledningen har stora svårigheter att planera för framtiden. 2015-02-05 雅阁9代汽车智能屏收音机显示屏上TA,AF,PTY,LOC是; 2014-09-03 收音机loc什么意思; 2016-07-02 汽车收音机下面显示loc; 2017-02-19 显示屏上面的TA是什么意思,今天突然出现了 AFVEC TAF SA Pty Ltd. 366-368 Findon Road Kidman Park SA 5025 Ph +61 (08) 8235 9988; Email via Contact Form. News-Info. Sound Advice; Assurance Guarantee; The First Step Prinsparet posted on Instagram: “Precis som alla andra försöker vi att digitalisera det arbete vi kan och arbeta hemifrån. Vi…” • See all of @prinsparet's photos and videos on their profile.

3@0<@<0F8O PTY '0AB>B0 =D>@<0F8O PTY (845=B8D8:0F8>==K9 :>4 B8?0 ?@ "0:85 DC=:F88 RDS, :0: AF 8 TA, 4>ABC?=K B>;L:> 2  Tuner. • Worldwide FM RDS-Tuner / AF / TA / EON / PTY. • LW, MW und UKW mit AST. • 6 Preset-Tasten.

[AF] Alternative frequency Displays all receivable frequencies that the FM station transmits. “TA” is indicated on the display when the function is activated. Press any of the buttons M1 to M6 to choose between the different PTY codes.

BND. DISP. 4 (1-6). tar emot signaler om trafikinformation så väljer man “TA” på bilstereon. PTY är en funktion som låter dig välja bland 29 olika ämnen du är  Rotel RT-02 Manual Online: pty-knapp, Tp-Knapp, Ta-Knapp, Af-Knapp.

4. During AST running frequency is not displayed any more. 5. The TA / PTY Alarm volume level is programmable. 6. Improved RDS decoding and AF switching 

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SCN. A/PS. MU. MD. 1 PAU. 2 INT. 3 RPT. 4 RDM. 5. 6.

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STEREO/MONO SWITCH. 7 PRE- EQUALIZACIONES. If you press the [AF] button, emergency broad- cast reception is cancelled.
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RDS-program 15. 9 6 Utmatningsknapp 7 !º AF/TA-knappen 12, 13, 14 !¡ RELEASE-knappen (ta bort frontpanelen). inte aktivera AF- eller TA-funktionen varje. gång du tar in den förinställda kanalen.

Apparently the feature needs to   dy the technical possibilities and limitations of RDS-TA, to study the radio stations ' verkkojen PI-koodit, AF-listat, PS-nimet, PTY-koodit sekä tiedot TP- ja TA-. Para ajustar AF y TA (púlselo); para seleccionar PTY (púlselo sostenidamente) en RDS. Botones Numerados.
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As of Oct. 1, 2014, Airman who have been in-active in pursuing their education for a year or more must receive Follow-Up counseling by their local education office prior to being authorized use of MilTA benefits. TA Developer Pty Ltd is the software company behind BillBjorn and Scan2Invoice. BillBjorn – one inbox for all your bills and receipts. Visit for more information.. Convert invoices and receipts into accounting data in 3 simple steps: Autoradio - RDS, EON, PTY, TA, AMS, AF. Index » digital corner.