If ordered with a Kessil Light, this product will Ship 2-Day Air (for free) The Kessil AP700 LED Aquarium Light Hanging Kit is easy to assemble. See the User Manual for assembly info. Each cable is eight feet long.


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Ap 700 light

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With two 60-LED chip arrays, the AP700 delivers up to 4 feet of coverage. This powerhouse is also equipped with built-in Wi-Fi for even greater control and customization. The AP700 leverages the technology of Kessil's award-winning pendant lights and expands it into a larger, 185-watt panel platform. With two 60-LED chip arrays, the AP700 delivers up to 4 feet of coverage. This powerhouse is also equipped with built-in WiFi for even greater control and customization. Kessil AP700 LED Lighting Panel incorporates "hybrid optics" that are specially designed to give a broad delivery of the light output without giving up any penetration power.

I love this Kessil light! It works great!

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Ap 700 light

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Ap 700 light

18 Jun 2016 Lights start ramping down at 7 pm, and off by 9 pm. My Anemone is suffering a bit , because of the intensity of the light (I started it at 50%) because  The AP700 is an elegant panel light in a powerful 185-watt platform with built-in WiFi capabilities and full color control.Dimensions: 20.08" L x 6.54" W x 1.54  The Kessil AP700 LED Light offers Perfect Coverage, Awesome Colors and Excellent Growth. New "Hybrid Optics" leverage the latest generation Dense Matrix  Download Kessil AP700 Controller and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Control and program your premium aquarium lighting with the intuitive Kessil  This page is about AP-700 Light,contains AP700 Kessil LED Lights,Kessil AP 700 Owners Gather Here!,AP700 LED Lighting Panel,AP700 LED Lighting Panel   9 Sep 2019 The Kessil AP700 was the company's long awaited first LED fixture that brought with it their own blend of multichips and color control that had  At 185 watts total power consumption the AP700 provides enough lighting punch for even the most demanding SPS corals while at the same time being able to  Advanced LED grow light, plant light, aquarium light solutions for horticulture and aquarium applications - AP700.
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Ap 700 light

Browse for more products in the same category as this item: 2016-7-16 · The AP700 Canopy Kit allows the Kessil AP700 LED Aquarium light to be mounted to the inside of most canopies. Each extension leg is 11.2" long and is designed to be inserted into the AP700.


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