This method returns all the service desks in the Jira Service Management instance that the user has permission to access. Use this method where you need a list of service desks or need to locate a service desk by name or keyword.
Powered by Jira Service Management. {"report":{"apdex":1,"isInitial":true,"journeyId":"caec3b36-d9ba-4570-8f4e-d921bf3edfd0","key":"servicedesk.helpCenter.
Log in. Keep me logged in. Forgot your password? Jira Service Desk (4.5.10) · Atlassian. Jira credits. Visa credits Jiras Licensinformation. Jira v8.8.1.
Log in. Keep me logged in. Forgot your password? Jira Service Desk (4.5.10) · Atlassian.
It is now Jira Service Management: atlassian/jira- servicemanagement. ServiceDesk Plus (SDP) - JIRA integration allows you to push any request created in ServiceDesk Plus as an Issue in JIRA with a preferred issue type. What is Jira Service Desk?
Learn more. Med JIRA Service Desk kan du sätta upp din service desk snabbt och lätt.
Tune Jira Service Management to meet your unique needs. Empower every team, from IT to HR to legal, to set up a service desk quickly and continuously adapt at scale. Deliver great service experiences fast - without the complexity of traditional ITSM solutions.
Whether you’re a startup trying to manage incoming requests, a growing team standardizing your service management practices, or an enterprise looking for a more fast, flexible ITSM solution, there’s a Jira Service Management plan for you.
Jira Service Desk is a flexible, collaborative ITSM solution built for rapid service delivery.
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Dina kunder kommer också att älska JIRA Service Desk, eftersom de kan hitta svar på sina frågor redan innan de har skickat iväg ett support-ärende.
Jira Service Desk comes with templates that get you started from day 1. Let us take a look at the workflows that comes out of the box with IT Service Desk te
Jira Service Desk. Jira Service Desk är ett ITIL baserat verktyg för hantering av incidenter, request, change och problem-processen.
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ett ärendehanteringssystem (Jira) för hantering av kundärenden. Ärenden kan registreras av behörig kund via en webbaserad service desk.
JIRA Service Desk kommer med förkonfigurerade templates, automatiseringsregler och inbyggd mejl-support.