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It is defined as the radius of a circle; centered on the mean, whose boundary is expected to include the landing points of 50% of the rounds; said otherwise, it is the median error radius. That is, if a given munitions design has a CEP of 100 m, when 100 are targeted at the same point, 50 will fall within … Tel: +33 (0) 3 88 41 30 30 – Fax: +33 (0) 3 88 41 27 71 - e- mail: cep@edqm.eu Internet: http://www.edqm.eu MMF/CB. PUBLIC DOCUMENT (Level 1) English only/Anglais seulement.


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May 12, 2020 (DRAFT) - CEP-3: Guardrails · Guardrail Classes and Configuration · Overview of proposed Guardrails · Configuration of Guardrails. Decision 3 (2016) - ATCM XXXIX - CEP XIX, Santiago Annex 2: Provisional Financial Report for 2015/16. Annex 3: Secretariat Programme for 2016/17  Jul 2, 2020 Happy Independence Day! Ever wanted to see behind the scenes of a great American company at work?