Fascinating Nigeria Rubber Industry Statistics #1. In 2016, over 156,000 tons of natural rubber was produced by the Nigeria rubber industry. That was the most rubber produced since 1991, when over 155,000 tons of natural rubber were produced. (Knoema) #2.


Trelleborg, AFANION and Rasiga brightened Christmas for children and adolescents fighting cancer in Castilla-La Mancha, Spain. This Christmas, Trelleborg 

Occup Environ Med 53:289–298. The Rubber Industry IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Risk of Chemicals to Humans Volume 28 2017-09-13 · Industrial rubber products is likely to gain significant traction across construction and agriculture machinery as well. Rubber industry is more than 100 years old. Industrial rubber industry is dominated by one major product tires.

Rubber industry cancer

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Objective: This study evaluated the association between exposure to several chemicals and mortality from lymphohematopoietic cancer (LHC) among 16,579 synthetic rubber industry workers who were followed up from 1943 to 1998. Methods: Poisson regression analyses examined LHC rates in relation to butadiene, styrene, and DMDTC exposure. A large number of studies have been conducted on the rubber industries in Canada, China, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and the USA [ref: 1-19]. Workers employed in the industry before 1950 have a high risk of bladder cancer, probably associated with exposure to aromatic amines. 2008-08-25 Among 33 815 men who worked in the rubber industry in the U. K. between 1946 and 1960 there was no excess of mortality from bladder cancer but excess of mortality from cancer of the lung and stomach.

2009-01-20 · A chemical commonly used to make rubber products may cause cancer in people exposed to fumes during the manufacturing process, British researchers said on Tuesday. Chemical used in making rubber 2021-03-05 · A number of studies found elevated rates of cancer among rubber workers in Akron, from skin cancer to stomach cancer.

Introduction. The evidence of a carcinogenic risk in the rubber industry was last reviewed in detail by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in 1982 [].More recently published epidemiological studies concerning the rubber industry have been reviewed by Kogevinas et al. [], and their likely relevance to the current UK industry has been commented upon [3, 4].

in the rubber industry, seven industry based nested case-control studies, 48 com munity based case-control studies in 16 countries, and 23 studies based on admin istrative data that reported risks for employment in the rubber industry were identified. Results?Excess risks of bladder cancer, lung cancer, and leukaemia were found in To examine the recent epidemiological evidence on cancer risk among workers in the rubber industry.

200 barncancerfall om året i Sverige, de uppskattningar som gjorts tyder på att The magnetic fields of common household and industrial sources have been In a more recent design, the frame sides are made of thick, dense foam rubber.

Rubber industry cancer

Results?Excess risks of bladder cancer, lung cancer, and leukaemia were found in To examine the recent epidemiological evidence on cancer risk among workers in the rubber industry.

Rubber industry cancer

Results of the stratified analyses are consistent with a role of occupational exposure in the aetiology … OBJECTIVES: To determine the mortality from non-respiratory cancers by work area among active and retired male workers of the German rubber industry. METHODS: A cohort of 11,633 male German workers was followed up for mortality from 1 January 1981 to 31 December 1991.
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Rubber industry cancer

For veterans of the American military, the risk of being diagnosed with the disease is even higher. Compared to the general population, military servicemembers are 25 percent more likely to receive a lung cancer diagnosis. 2018-11-23 The rubber industry offers careers as varied as the products it produces.

- High precision. The sampling and analysis procedure is developed from a base of approximately 50 relevant OBJECTIVES: To examine the recent epidemiological evidence on cancer risk among workers in the rubber industry.
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Exposure Control in the Rubber-Manufacturing Industry (EXASRUB) database contains results of 59609 measurements collected from 523 surveys in 333 factories between 1956 and 2003. The database consists primarily of measure-ments of N-nitrosamines (n = 21202), rubber dust (n = 13655), solvents (n = 8615) and rubber fumes
